A downloadable First FPS file

This rapid prototype was developed for the sole purpose of one of the assignments at university. We had to show basic UI implementation and I decided to do an FPS action game  simply due to the fact that it's my favorite genre type. The game is comprised of a simple map, with basic level design and very basic shoot and aim mechanics. 

As far as User interface goes, this game shows some very basic UI elements, that have their own set of systems and implementation in the backend. 

The elements consist of:

 - ammo count

- health bar 

- cross hair

- basic mini map

- UI feed back text, that tells the player their ammo is low


Assignment_3.exe 638 kB

Install instructions

1.Download the .exe File.

2. Save the .exe file.

3. Double click on the .exe file shortcut, after the installation has finished.

4. Enjoy :)


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doesn't work. gotta paste the file, not just the exe