A downloadable Ancient Egypt file

This prototype was developed for a final examination by 3 group members and myself. I was in charge of a large part of the development of the game, from the programming side. The game was complex in the context of the systems we were trying to implement, coupled with numerous narrative elements.  

The narrative behind the game, was taken from a story from Osiris and his resurrection. We had worked our own narrative into that story as well. 

Our mechanics were carefully chosen, as we wanted mechanics that made sense in the context of the type of game we were making as well as the narrative. 

I would say we met the brief requirements, however for a full on rapid prototype i feel that our system need a lot more work as a few things were not functional, but given the time in which we had for development I am certainly happy with the outcome we had produced.

PS: We produced 95% of the visual assets, from materials to character models and weapons as well as character animations, which we did the rig for on our character model :) 


AncientEgypt.exe 638 kB

Install instructions

1.Download the .exe File.

2. Save the .exe file.

3. Double click on the .exe file shortcut, after the installation has finished.

4. Enjoy :)